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Halliday Engineering have recently completed a major docking and propulsion system upgrade on historic replica vessel HMB Endeavour.

About the vessel:

HMB Endeavour is a faithful reproduction of the HMS Endeavour ship that was under the command of Lieutenant James Cook during his exploration of New Zealand and the eastern coast of Australia. The replica build commenced in 1988, and was completed some 5 years later.

With almost 30 kilometers of rigging tensioned by 750 wooden pulley blocks overhead, one cannot help but feel they are in a sailors shoes when they board the vessel. Down below, the accommodation and galley are true to the original, and vessel is incredibly impressive yet somewhat congested (as you would imagine).

Halliday’s history with the vessel:

The vessel is under the careful watch and management of the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) and has now attended Sydney City Marine for multiple dockings and scheduled maintenance over the years.  Our relationship with the vessel commenced in 2017, where we manufactured 2 x new custom propeller shafts. Since then, the vessel has been on many long voyages to the Pacific and beyond. To our delight Halliday Engineering have recently completed a full survey of the propulsion systems onboard, including an alignment upgrade.

The shafts we manufactured are in excellent condition after 7 years of service, showcasing the quality of the craftsmanship in our work and how we bring peace of mind to our clientele.

Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) have engaged Halliday Engineering since 2017 for engineering support on a range of our prized vessels. In 2017, Halliday's proudly commenced manufacturing 2 x new propeller shafts for vessel; HM Bark Endeavour. These are a very custom, and bespoke propeller shaft, in that they are hollow and fitted with an internal rod that governs a Controlled Pitch Propeller (CPP) mechanism.

This intricate and careful fabrication of the shafts included shaft straightening, cutting keyways, machining tapers, bluing and scraping interference fits and assembly on the vessel. The vessel has now been in service for 7 years, it has completed several return voyages to the Pacific with the shafts that were manufactured by Halliday. We are now currently docking the vessel, and the shafts have been removed for survey. We are pleased to see that the propeller shafts are in excellent condition, and ready to return to service.

Halliday Engineering have delivered the ANMM with the reliability, and peace of mind that the vessel’s running gear is in the best possible condition.

Graeme Curran, Engineering Fleet Manager for Australian National Maritime Museum


Propulsion Assembly Upgrade

  • Supply licensed riggers and qualified tradespeople to dismantle and survey existing port/starboard propulsions systems
  • Conduct laser alignment checks on propulsion train and provide recommendation
  • Carry out calculations and produce drawings of custom offset bearings for shaft support
  • Supply material and manufacture bearings and install on the vessel
  • Assemble propulsion assemblies and conduct final alignment checks

Conduct Shaft Survey and Report

  • Dismantle propellers and shaft assemblies
  • Conduct measurement and run-out checks on all critical diameters and check for concentricity
  • Document findings and assemble

Overboard Discharge Valve Works

  • Remove valves from vessel
  • Strip and inspect valves
  • Service and pressure test valves
  • Install valves on vessel
  • Report on works conducted

Engine Mount Chockfasting

  • Chockfast parallel base plates off existing engine mount foot, to allow for adjustments as required
  • Supply new hardware for jacking screws and engine mounts and base plate material
  • Raise starboard gearbox, check inboard mount fastening

Stern Tube Bearing Replacement

  • Carry out laser alignment of propulsion system
  • Carry out engineering alignment calculations
  • Manufacture custom off-set stern tube bearings and install

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